The Season of Creation begins on September first and ends with the Feast of St. Francis on October 4th.  This year’s theme is, “Let Justice and Peace Flow”.  In comes from Amos 5:24 that says, “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream”.  During this time, the Episcopal Church joins with others around the world to consider the ecological, economic and political actions we take (both as institutions and individuals) that affect the web of life.  Our actions have consequences—within the earth’s ecology and among people, especially those who unjustly bear the brunt of these actions.

A wonderful guide full of resources has been created by Rev. John Elliott Lein and Rev. Margaret Bullet-Jonas.  In the introduction to the guide, the authors gave reasons for this year’s theme.  “We are called this year to join this river of justice and peace—to take up climate and ecological justice and peace and to speak out with and for communities most impacted by climate injustices and loss of biodiversity.  As the people of God, we must work together on behalf of all creation as part of that mighty river of peace and justice”.

The guide’s introduction goes on to point out that the recent disasters (floods, extreme storms, wildfires, etc.) show us that there is an urgency about our commitment to doing all we can to reduce emissions and act in sustainable ways to care for the earth and the peoples of the earth.  Disasters have always occurred.  However, our actions that are resulting in more emissions has furthered global warming that has made these events more powerful, costly and dangerous.  Thus, we, as Christians must respond with prayer, learning and action to reduce consequences and advocate for the people most affected and for policy changes.  The Gospel message compels us to grow in our faith and to treat each other with love and compassion and justice. God has also command us to be good stewards of his gift of  creation. This gift will sustain us and give us hope for ourselves and for the future—but we must join others in this endeavor and do the work we are called to do.

Here is the prayer for September 3rd.  “Lord of all love and glory, the author and giver of all good things:  Graft in our hearts the love of creation; increase in us all true unity, nourish the world with all goodness, and bring forth the fruit of good works, through Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of creation, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.  Amen”.


Earth Steward Action:  This week pray for the people of Hawaii and consider sending a donation to Episcopal Relief and Development’s Hawaii Emergency Response Fund.



