My siblings in Christ,

We shall be changed!

This sentence serves not only as the title of a collection of essays written by Episcopalians in a book published in 2021 with the subtitle “Questions for the Post-Pandemic Church,” but it is the hardest thing to envision and in turn accept about the Church.

I think, metaphorically, about a dam that was almost completely closed for a long period of time, with only a trickle of water flowing out. Over time the dam had begun to reopen and the water flowed back into familiar, deep paths. But in that time the valley below had changed, and old pathways and eddies had shifted or disappeared entirely, causing the water to take new forms and new currents as well.

Throughout the quarantine we continued to be the Church, maintaining some aspects of our shared discipleship together with great rigor while adapting to new ones. As the quarantine is easing back and the “water” begins to return, there are things that have resumed with comforting familiarity: Sunday morning worship and certain outreach programs, for example. Other things are very, very different, like the distribution of communion. The final form of other aspects of the Church’s life remain yet to be seen as the water continues to pour in. But it will not be the same as it was before; to believe that is to not only cling to a historical fallacy but to also impede the dynamic work of the Holy Spirit that continues to seek ways to spread the Gospel.

Having said that, I think three things will do a lot to determine the future of Trinity’s ministry. The first is, and always will be, the will and vision of God. It’s good to regularly remind ourselves that God is always on top of things in ways that we cannot even begin to understand. I lean into that a lot these days.

The second is the world around us, of which our own control is limited. Lawrence can and will change, as will Kansas, our country, and the world. Sooner or later COVID will have less of an impact on our lives and we will see fewer masks and more faces. Aspects of our communal lives may never go back to the way they were before, but regardless of what it looks like, Trinity will continue to exist in that world. 

The third is you, and your ability to contribute to the ministry of Trinity Church. We are not a heavily endowed parish, and virtually all the expenses of the parish are paid for by your annual contributions, not to mention the hours and hours of volunteer time we rely on each week. So plainly put, what we do depends on you.

I believe that in the end the changes Trinity will undergo will be both necessary and positive, and we will evolve into a parish ready to embrace the future opportunities to spread the Gospel and build the Church. Thank you for your support during this time, and for a swift response in returning your pledge card or you may email your 2022 pledge to As always, if you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or a member of our Vestry who will be happy to talk to you.

Yours in Christ,

The Very Rev. Robert Baldwin

Rector, Trinity Episcopal Church