God is calling Trinity Episcopal Church to create a path of light shining into the future so every person who connects to our church will experience God’s life-changing love!

The completion of these critical projects will allow our congregation to focus on a future where we

  • Continue to care for the preservation of our buildings and grounds.

  • Improve the quality of our worship experiences.

  • Expand the capacity of our core ministries for people of all ages and abilities.

  • Enhance our family ministries.

  • Improve our outreach ministries.

Capital Campaign Committee

Rev. Jenn Allen, Priest-in-Charge

Katie Nichols, Sr. Warden

Fritz Schwaller, Co-Chair

Susan Ralston, Co-Chair

Cheryl Wagner

Don Hatton

Donna Griffin

Vashti Winterburg

Kim Mandle

Stewarding our spaces



Reach out to any committee member (left).

Or reach out to the church office at (785) 843-6166 or office@trinitylawrence.org

Capital Campaign Brochure

Commitment Card

Request Mailed Materials

Any parishioners preferring paper resources can fill out the form below. Our committee will send you a paper brochure and commitment card.