Creation Care and General Convention
Below is a snapshot of some Creation Care-related decisions from the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church, June 2024.
Established a Standing Commission on Care of Creation & Environmental Racism (with a staff person). It upheld indigenous rights to subsistence practices.
Committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2030 throughout the church.
Requested all bishops to build networks of landowners and creation trustees to protect land and use regenerative practices (a model used by Bishop Bascom).
Recommitted to addressing global climate change through advocacy, actions and education.
Created a pilot project for tracking carbon offsets at all church levels.
Upheld the tenets of the Earth Charter.
The Convention elected Bishop Sean Rowe as the new presiding bishop. His installation will be livestreamed to reduce carbon footprints.
Earth Steward Action: Pray in thanksgiving for our leaders.