Listening to Nature’s Wisdom
Poet Joanna Macy “heard” and applied wise words for dark times from a few of nature’s creatures. Here is part of her poem for our ears and hearts.
“I, lichen, work slowly … This is what I give you: patience for the long haul / and perseverance.” “….As a deep-diving trout, I offer you my fearlessness of the dark.” “I, lion, give you my roar, the voice to speak out and be heard.” “I am caterpillar, the leaves I eat taste bitter now. But I dimly sense a great change coming. What I offer you humans, is my willingness to dissolve and transform. I do that without knowing what the end result will be, so I share with you my courage too.”
Earth Steward Action: Go for a nature walk — listen carefully.
Source: Earth Prayers, edited by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon, poem by Joanna Macy