Our Perceptions of the earth

Have you ever experienced the dark sky filled with millions of bright stars with no human light blocking the view? Such views prompted poets, philosophers and scientists to wonder about Earth’s place in the vastness of space. Over the years, many turned their awe of their experiences into various forms of expression. Scientists began finding out about Earth’s place in the universe, and now we have the photos to document their search. Not only have these photos encouraged an environmental movement, but they also continue to show humankind what we are doing to ourselves to heal or to hurt the earth. Read the entire article Our Changing View of Earth from Space for a history of these famous photos.

Here is a brief review of some of the earliest photos of Earth from space. In the 1930’s, a plane flying over the Andes Mountains took a photo that showed the curvature of the earth. In 1935, a photo from an explorer balloon 13.5 miles in the air confirmed this curving nature of the earth’s surface. In 1946, scientists put cameras in the “nose” portions of rockets. Pictures that survived showed the earth against a black sky. In 1959 the TROS-1 Weather Satellite gave the world more than 2,000 pictures of the earth – showing its entire shape as pictures were put together. In 1966, a Soviet satellite took the famous “Earthrise” photo of the earth from space. In the late 1960s many more photos were taken by the various Apollo missions. The most famous one, “The Blue Marble,” sparked the Earth Day Movement. These were followed by several “Pale Blue Dot” photos. In 2013 the spacecraft orbited around Saturn and showed the earth and the moon high above in their own orbit.


All these photos (and many more to come) continue to show in picture form what Chief Seattle once expressed years ago. “The earth does not belong to us, we belong to the earth. This we know – all things are connected. . . . Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the sons and daughter of the earth. We did not weave the web of life. We are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.” This beautiful planet is in a spot in the universe where conditions have been just right for abundant life in many forms. It has systems that keep the seasons and provide our food and security. It is foolishness to continue to upset the balance that is our only home.

Earth Steward Action: Locate a spot away from city lights to see the starry sky. Then study how Earth sits in a “sweet spot” in the vastness of space. Does this inspire you to care for the earth as its stewards?

Source:  https://www.history.com/news/Earth-day-blue-marble-space-apollo

Source:  www.history.com/news/Earth-day-blue-marble-space-apollo




Guidance for Earth Stewards