The climate Summit (COP26) will begin October 31 and run through November 12, 2021. The stakes couldn’t be higher. The Summary Report given by the IPCC earlier this summer called it “code red” for the health of the planet. It is hard to believe that we are having the 26th meeting of the Council of Parties to discuss and reach agreements to do something to reduce the earth warming greenhouse gas emissions that cause the climate to change. We know now (given our recent experiences of huge storms, droughts, floods and wildfires) that this climate change is causing harm to people, property and infrastructure and costing billions to mitigate. These experiences are expected to become more frequent.
Given all that is at stake, it is of concern to see world leaders have qualms about attending the summit. Russian leader, Vladimir Putin has decided to send a representative and not attend personally. China’s leader has not decided, but, most likely will send a representative and not attend. Both India’s leader and Australia’s leader, after saying they would not go, have decided to reluctantly attend. These actions are troubling for any strong message or strong cooperation needed to address the problems.
The second concern is that the Brazilian Rainforest has lost more than 17% of its area over a period of 50 years and portions of it are now declared as releasing more carbon into the atmosphere than it absorbs. This devastating news is because of burning for agriculture and ranching, excess logging and political values. Brazil’s leader, when asked to reconsider such actions replied, “Brazil is not your country”. Even areas burned years ago are still releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Climate change is also hurting the rainforest--dry seasons are getting dryer and trees are being affected. The whole ecosystem may have reached a tipping point of no recovery. For years, the world depended upon this rainforest to continue to be a carbon sink. Besides being tragic, it is a symbol of disregard for the problems of climate change.
The third troubling sign is that the United States will likely go to the summit without the passage of the present administration’s bill that would show the world that we are ready to meet the goals in reduction of greenhouse gas emissions that President Biden has stated as his goals. Can our president convince the world that any goals set at COP25 will be met by the US? The stakes are indeed high.
EARTH STEWARD ACTION: Pray daily for the world’s leaders at COP26 and find one additional step you have not done before to reduce your carbon footprint.
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