Time to Get Serious about Plastics?

New studies have found micro and nano plastics in human lungs, kidneys, hearts, placentas, breast milk, and even in brains. These particles have increased 50% from 2016 to 2024. Although the results are not definitive yet, researchers are looking into the connection with Alzheimer’s disease.


It is estimated that the average person ingests about the weight of a deck of cards’ worth of plastics each week. These plastic bits come from our food, air, water, plastic packaging and products like Teflon-coated items, cosmetics as well as furniture and cleaners.  It is time to get real about eliminating plastics.  Here are some hints:

Shop with reusable bags.  Use mesh bags for produce.

Use glass food storage containers. Avoid all Styrofoam.

Toss Teflon-coated pans, plastic utensils and straws.

Reject plastic packaging and recycle all you can.

Filter drinking water. Reject plastic bottled drinks.

Examine health and beauty products for plastics.


Earth Steward Action:  Plan to eliminate plastics at home.

Source:  National Geographic Magazine



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