Motivating Environmental Action
Did you enjoy being in natural settings recently? Did the experience encourage you to want to learn more about your observations?
Experiencing and learning about the natural world, added to our awe and thankfulness for creation, should be enough to make us want to do our part in preserving and protecting this creation and gift from God. Despite good intentions, we get busy and old habits are heard to break.
Calculating our carbon footprint (see sources) and making a check list of actions we have done for the home and energy use, garden/yard, transportation and purchasing habits are all helpful. Additionally, we can treat all creatures, land, air and water with care and consideration (think pesticides and plastics). Motivations abound! Now we all must “roll up our sleeves” and turn good intentions into real actions.
Earth Steward Action: Share “how to” actions with friends.
Sources: Examples of calculators: and