Resilient Earth Stewards

Last week we focused on climate change’s influences on wildfires in California.  Now we see extreme cold in our area and unusual cold and snow from southern Texas to Florida. The first step in resiliency is becoming prepared (see suggested websites for cold weather). Please add “thumb drive back-ups” of important papers to your preparations.

Also, as Earth Stewards, we must be as resilient as possible in our efforts to preserve and protect the earth as God has tasked us to do. We must continue to educate ourselves in the causes, effects and mitigation of our warming climate. We must remain hopeful that our individual efforts, based on our faith in God and multiplied by thousands of others, will continue to make a difference.

Let us continue to work on resilience — safety for our families as well as sustainability for our planet.

Earth Steward Action:  Make a “to do list” from the following websites. , , (scroll down to “Be Red Cross Ready”)


Out of Paris Accord — Now What?


Climate Change and Wildfires